Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Coffee break

Hi i wanna talk a lot for this post. so get ready for someone who unfortunately reading this post. Okeh.. I'm not single. Doesn't mean I have a boyfriend. NO! I'm single parents. or maybe the best word is i'm widow. hahah.. with a son. yeah perfectly son. handsome like his father, cute like me, genius like both of us. maybe. Okey this is my son..

he's try to be just like a lion..
Haa... cute right? like me. pheww...~ Okeh stop about my son first. Lets talk about my ex husband. ha why we got divorced? cuz he can't understand me and me either. yeah. we both have so many different. he like to talk too much and joking is his life. urgh..sometime i feel like "oh please. stop doing stupid action. be gentle." and sometime i cant understand what he want to show me. ok. stop. next differences. i'm too control him. yeah. i like he do whatever i want. not because i dont love him. i do love him until now. that's my lack. and i thought that he can accept my lack. no.not at all. and why i cant change mine? it take time babe. and maybe there's no time for me to be his good wife act. bla bla bla..

last honeymoon at pangkor before we seperated
ha...that's my ex.. handsome right? okay. my life after we got divorced. suck! totally suck because i do remember my ex. and honestly until now.and it's become suck suck suck when i know that he already have a girlfriend. Huh.. what's that mean? not even 1 month. Hurm.. i'm jealous. cuz that girl got what i lost.

until now, i hate that girl. even she try to be nice with me. and how cruel i'm when i want my ex back. i dont care bout my money, my pride and everything. just because i want him. how can i look he's too happy but at my side. i'm suffer..
now, everything is over. over, enough and done. he hate me. yeah. he hate me. more and more. just because i want him break with his girlfriend. so what are you waiting emma????? kenape kau tunjuk diri kau terlalu bodoh dimata diorang?? kenape kau mencintai lelaki yg tak boleh menerime kau seadenye?? kenape kau tmasih nak menyayangi lelaki yang tak boleh memberi kau peluang terakhir walaupun kau merayu dia? ok.. the simple answer because i give too much hope. hope that i'll forever and ever with him. hope that i'll have a better family, happy.. but..everything is gone now. past is past..

tadaa...~ my happy family. 
okeh.. stop it. emma please dont do stupid action.cuz u have haikal.. ops.. forgot to state my son's name. Amir Muhammad Haikal. :) my familys-in-law called him Ash. but now Ash does't want anybody call him Ash. His said.. "jangan panggil Ash ni Ash la... name Ash Haikal..panggil Ash, Haikal" hahaha... what should i called him if he still use ash?

starting now. i want to change my whole life. to become more success. more better, more happy. and the first thing that i want is. find God. Allah.. i know i'm too far from Him now. that why He give me this test tp show me that i'm already forget bout Him.. Thanks Allah. please make my heart full with your bless and Hidayah,,

the next year. Haikal going to school. :) wink3x...~ already done with his thing to go to school.. the fee for his school is too much but i think better than the others school. oh..i want my son expert in english.. hahaha..so he can teach me. urgh..full of broken english and mistake on grammer,, heheheh.. sorry.. cant help cuz i dont like english.:(
Haikal's thing
i think better i stop now before i keep bla..bla..bla.. okay emma. please keep going and move on. just believe. if your ex is yours..he'll never forget about you even he's not with you. kalau jodoh terletak pada emma dan amer.. 'Amerma' pasti akan bersame. just give all faith to Him. not just a little. :) Amiin..make me strong Ya Allah. to be a good mother to my son.. dan sebagai hambaMu yg terima segala ujian dan segala ajaran dan suruhanMu.. dekatkan hatiku kembali kepadaMu...


  1. sory dear..aku x tau.. be strong n jage haikal baik2.. jgn abaikan die k sbb die anugerah terbesar tok ko even amir x besame ko lagi.. ade hikmah disebalik semua nye kan... keep smiling:)

    1. thanks babe.. :) skrg i da normal okay..ni mase mule2 x dapat terime kenyataan je.. :)
